Les Nations Unies adoptent une résolution sur l’IA
Recent developments in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and digital transformation reflect a growing global commitment to ethics, the protection of human rights, and the improvement of public services. Below is a summary of the main initiatives: United Nations Resolution on AI: The adoption of a resolution on artificial intelligence by the UN marks a significant step toward promoting safe, secure, and trustworthy AI systems. This resolution emphasizes the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the development and use of AI on a global scale. Adoption of the Artificial Intelligence Act by the European Parliament: The European AI regulation aims to prohibit practices deemed unacceptable, protect the rights of workers and citizens, and ensure transparency and accountability in the use of AI in Europe. This legislation highlights the importance of consumer protection and individual rights in the context of increasing AI usage. Article on Digital Transformation in Gabon: The rise of innovation and digital transformation is presented as a necessity for the Gabonese administration to improve the delivery of public services. The modernization of the administration through the integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is seen as a way to strengthen citizens’ trust, reduce bureaucracy, and promote digital inclusion. These initiatives emphasize the importance placed on ethics, accountability, and the protection of fundamental rights in the deployment of AI and digital transformation. They highlight the need for a coordinated global approach to ensure that technological advancements benefit society as a whole, while respecting democratic values and ethical standards. By Hugues Maixent MBA MVET
L’ANINF présente la vision gabonaise au sommet mondial du numérique
Le Directeur Général de l’ANINF, Alberto Wenceslas MOUNGUENGUI MOUDOKI, a représenté le Gabon au Sommet mondial sur le numérique à Washington DC, mettant en avant les initiatives gabonaises dans le domaine.
Signature de contrat pour la mise à niveau de la solution PKI nationale et passeport
La délégation gabonaise, dirigée par le Secrétaire Général du Ministère de l’Intérieur, a signé un accord avec Thalès pour garantir une mise à niveau sécurisée des solutions PKI, assurant ainsi la production fiable des passeports et des cartes nationales d’identité électroniques.