Mission and values

Commitments and principles guide our vision for a Sovereign Digital Transformation.


A human-sized agency

Our actions and professional ethics are guided by three fundamental values: Integrity, Initiative and Innovation. These pillars reflect our unwavering commitment to exemplary public service and a promising digital future for Gabon.

Our values


Integrity is the cornerstone of our Agency; it represents our commitment to operate with honesty, transparency and accountability. We maintain the highest standards of ethical behaviour in all our activities, ensuring the trust of citizens and partners in the protection of their data and the security of our infrastructure.


Initiative is the driving force behind our proactivity and our ability to anticipate challenges. It inspires our staff to make bold and informed decisions, to find creative solutions to complex problems and to act quickly in the face of technological change, making Gabon remaining at the forefront of digital transformation.


Innovation is the driving force behind our ongoing quest for excellence and progress. We embrace change and encourage innovation to develop advanced digital solutions, constantly improve our services and stimulate growth through the adoption of disruptive technologies, positioning Gabon as a digital leader in Africa.

Our commitments

True to our values, NADIF is also deeply committed to gender equality and the promotion of digital technology among young people, commitments that shape our daily actions and our vision for an equitable and dynamic digital future in Gabon.


Gender equality


NADIF's commitment to gender equality is a cornerstone of our inclusive vision to achieve exemplary parity within our organization. We are committed to creating equal opportunities for women and men and fostering a diverse work environment where talent and innovation can flourish without prejudice.


Promoting digital skills among young people


Our commitment to young people embodies our investment in Gabon's digital future. Through education, training and the provision of essential digital tools, we are opening up pathways to innovation and creativity, forging a generation ready to take on the technological challenges of tomorrow and actively contribute to the country's digital economy.

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Our role

Challenges and Issues of Digital Sovereignty in Gabon

The issue of state sovereignty is central to international debates on digital technology. The National Agency for Digital Infrastructures and Frequencies (NADIF) acts as the guarantor of Gabon’s interests in cyberspace, while actively promoting the country’s digital transformation in a secured environment.

Data protection, the development of secured infrastructures and technological dependency are all issues that play a central role in international digital debates.

In this context, Gabon has created an autonomous body to defend the nation vital interests. The National Agency for Digital Infrastructures and Frequencies (NADIF) mission  is to create a secured, innovative and sovereign digital ecosystem capable of meeting the country’s technological and strategic challenges.

Our missions

Securing, modernising and promoting critical infrastructures

We are strengthening the resilience of national infrastructures against cyber-attacks and promoting the integration of advanced technologies for an efficient and secured public service.

Developing and securing strategic business applications

We build secure government software solutions that systematically integrate cybersecurity protocols to protect sensitive data and critical services.

Optimum radio frequency management

We control the use of spectrum to ensure smooth and secured communications, while avoiding conflicts and interference harmful to national security.

Strengthening digital legislation and standards

We are updating legislation to meet today's digital challenges and setting rigorous standards for data security and IT infrastructure.

Developing and implementing a national cyber security plan

We are coordinating a national strategy to counter cyber threats, covering prevention, detection, incident response and recovery.

Promoting digital inclusion

We are reducing the digital divide by promoting equal access to information technologies for all citizens. We also promote cyber culture and empower people through digital technology.


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©ANINF - Build Our Digital Sovereignty

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